DAY 7 - This afternoon I had a meeting at J-Rock with Tadashi. Rode my first Tokyo cab to the office. Felt like Bill Murray in Lost In Translation,..I can here that opening song by Death In Vegas now. Tadashi met me at the entrance, greeted me and sat me in the conference room. He came back quickly and we talked about myself, my role with InfiniteMMA.com, my filming plans and what we could do.
He said Yoshida and Nakamura were very busy fighters and are basically selective with the press they talk with. He asked me if I was interested in interviewing up and coming Yoshida Dojo fighters Murata and Omigawa? I said I was very keen. So we organized for me to meet him at the Yoshida Dojo tomorrow at 1pm. Tadashi is a very nice and giving man. I'm very fortunate for his help and can't thank him enough.
After the meeting I went to Akihabara (Electric Town) to buy a new camera. I felt so geeky buying electronic gear here..but hey..it was CHEAP!
Flying home after the camera purchase I dropped my camera equipment, grabbed my gym gear and headed over to Paraestra Kichijoji which is like a 10 minute bike ride from my place. Let me tell you this...never complain of space in your gym again. Gym's in Tokyo are SMALL and this Paraestra was small. It's not what space you have, it's how you use it that matters and these guys use it too it's fullest. I took the jiu jitsu class with the black belt (who's name I've forgotten...Kotani I think?) and it was really good. They do a quick warm up, do 2 minute rounds of stand up takedowns for a while, learn 2 techniques (X-guard tonight), then...wrestle. BUT!,..they wrestle for like over an hour! I think this is really a good format too. By wrestling alot their stamina for competition is always at a good level.
I wrestled for ages with all sorts of guys. Good level at this gym. Just towards the end of the class Uematsu (pro SHOOTO fighter turned up) and wrestled with some guys. He's very skilled! He taught a SHOOTO class after the jiu jitsu class but I was keen for an early night (for once) so I watched a little bit then left. I highly recommend this gym
Tomorrow will be interesting.
I love my new camera..it's SO small (about the size of a credit card but thicker) and RAD!
To Be Continued,..
- Juggs
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