Was up till 2am writing & reporting on the net last night.
Woke up at 10:45am to my phone ringing. Was Kezza saying hi and plotting a dinner for Friday night. Sounds cool.
I was tired from the last few days and well,..I needed the sleep-in and a slow day so I decided to find this jiu jitsu shop I'd seen on the net that was close by. I went 4 stops towards where I thought it was, asked somebody, then they told me to go BACK to where I came from, take a subway train 6 stops, then another hop 1 more station to the right station. A nice guy directed me to the store once I exited and it was worth the trip. The Lutador store.
Let's say I spent enough money there to NOT need to go back there till the next trip to Japan. I was doing so well at NOT spending any money too. I'd spent under $500 total in the last 6 days and was proud of my will power to not buy anything. Oh well.. anyway I'm doing well,..cash wise. Training and filming doesn't leave much time for shopping. ;P
I raced home soon after cause I needed to grab my film gear and training gear cause I was meeting Roxy at WK Headquarters for training at 7pm.
Training was really good and I really enjoyed the class. A good technique was taught and I rolled with a pant load of guys (and Roxy too). ALL the guys were good. I loved rolling with guys of that calibre. It was great to be pushed EVERY roll. Loved it. My arms a bit sore thou.. :/ Thanks Roxy for taking care of me.
Tomorrow I'm meeting Ryan Bow in the night. He sounds really nice.
Feeling like a good man,..as the Archer Prewitt songs goes..
To Be Continued,...
- Juggs
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