Been a bit since I updated so it'll be a long one,..
So strap yourself in and feel the cheese!..
THURSDAY - Roy calls me and says I can come to the Inspirit office in Kichijoji, meet Rumina Sato and Tsuyoshi the owner of Inspirit, and interview then this afternoon at 4pm. I'm hyped on it cause Rumina Sato has been an idol of mine for a long time and Inspirit clothing is another fav of mine too. Double bonus hey?!
So Roy picks me up in Kichijoji and takes me to the office and I meet Rumina, Tsuyoshi and the rest of the Inspirit guys. They are all SO nice and made me feel very welcome. We chat for a while then I interview Rumina. interviewed him for a long time and I must say,..he was very honest and willing to help me. Great interview and probably will be the highlight of the dvd. Tuyoshi was interviewded next and he's a really sweet nice man. Very giving.
I love my new friends at Inspirit.
After photos, I raced off to meet up with a friend and train at GUTSMAN Dojo (Mach Sakurai's old gym). The class was awesome. Basically it was 2 hrs of wrestling/grappling with around 20 plus pros and amateurs. No techniques..just rolling hard for 2 hours. Loved it! After sweating WAY too much on the way home. I shower'd and then the call came through..
It was Roy...he was in Kichijoji with the Inspirit boys and they were Kareoke-ing! HARD! So?..what do you do when the devil comes a calling? You ride the wave to hell I thought. I arrived to find one messy ass booth with sweaty, beer stained, loud, pissed guys standing on everything but the floor.
What do you do?
You jump in head first and catch up is what you do!!! :((((( I have to say it was not even 10 minutes before I was covered in sweat and beer and high fiving like a pro volleyball player! We killed it till about 3am and said our goodbyes till SHOOTO tomorrow night. What a day.
FRIDAY - So I have nothing on today but SHOOTO tonight at Korakuen Hall. I catch up on sleep, eat, and decided to pack my camera gear for SHOOTO tonight.
I get to Korakuen and I await for Roy and the Inspirit guys to arrive too. Standing at the entrance of the lifts is like watching a who's who of Japanese MMA parade. You name 'em..they were here.
Roy and the guys arrive...I show then the bruised VERY sore hand from all the high fives we nailed each other with I have from Kareoke last night. Ouch! We head in,..we all get backstage passes :)))))) and we catch up with some fighters. Rumina's here and we chat for a bit. Tsuyoshi is running around trying to organise for it to be ok that I can film, as the first few fights go on. I shoot stealth wise with my little camera while he does this...sneaky hey?..
Tsuyoshi comes back half way through..and it's cool to shoot..just not the fights. I'm cool with any footage I can get..it's all good. I hustle my gear ready and shoot for the rest of the show. I got so much great footage I actually sat and watched the last 2 fights. Saw SO many pros there. I met Masahiro Oishi, Yasuda (cool guys..hope they come out to fight soon), Tatsuya Kawajiri (just like he looks), Mitsohiro Ishida (really sweet guy..demon in the ring?), Lion Takeshi (RAD!), and ran into George Sotoropolis in the stands. He's doing well, training hard and doing us proud. Also saw Shinya Aoki, Ryota Sakurai, Akihiro Gono, Yuki Nakia, Megumi Fuji, and many more there. SOOOO many pros there tonight!
As I was packing up my gear..a guy comes up to me and says.."You must be Juggs?...I thought it could only be you running around filming cause I've been reading about you on the net and what you've been doing". He was a nice guy and if you're reading this Ben..thanks for the kind words...means somebody is keen to see the DVD when it finally comes out. Cheers...
Was a fucking amazing last 2 days and nights and I must say a big thank you to Roy Luxton who went out of his way to help me with alot so far. Thank you Roy.
Well...just got back from PRIDE GP Final Round and well.....wait till tomorrow for THAT installment!..cracker!
To Be Continued..
- Juggs (you keep reading,,and I'll keep writing)